1. How do I enroll and when?

Ans. You can enroll anytime of the year. Admissions are open through out the year. You can download the enrolment form, from our website www.understandart.com, or you can write or email us, we will send you the enrollment form.

2. a) What is the cost of the course? b) Is there any hidden cost apart from that given in your website.

Ans a) Course fee is Rs 10,000 including postage all inclusive in India for the entire course and for International students, it is US$ 250 including postage. You have an option if you wish to pay in 2 installments. Payment stage one: Rs 5,500 (US$ 135 International students) ( on issue of study material) Payment stage two: Rs 5,500 (US$ 135 International students) (on commencing answer sheets evaluation)
Ans b) There are no extra or hidden costs, nor do you have to pay anything extra anytime during the course. The course fees is all inclusive. Students taking longer than the course duration, will be charged extra as per the extension rules. ( Rs.2500 or US$50 per 3 month extension including postage ).

3. What is the mode of payment.

Ans. Draft to be made out in favour of 'SANSKRUTI 1' payable at Mumbai. Payment can also be made through electronic bank transfer. If this alternative is preferred, kindly let us know, we will send details.

4. Upon enrolling when will I receive my course material? Is delivery guaranteed?

Ans. On receipt of course fees and your enrollment form, your course materials will be sent within 24 hours. Depending on the courier/postal system in your area, you can expect your materials delivered within one to seven working days (usually within 2 to 3 days). Your course duration of 6 months commences from the time you receive the course material. We send all course material through ‘Speed Post’ or through reliable courier services, who supply proof of delivery.

5. What if I need help with my course? Any helpdesk/any guide for correspondence students through phone or online?

Ans. Tutors are assigned to students enrolling at  SANSKRUTI  centre, for counseling and guidance throughout the course, on telephone, e mail or through post. If you have any doubts while studying the course, all you have to do is to pick up the telephone, call the SANSKRUTI centre during office hours (Monday to Friday 10.30AM to 5.30 PM Indian time) and ask for a tutor. You will get clarifications on the spot. Alternatively, you can email or post your queries. Answers will be given within 24 to 48 hours. This facility is available to all students for the duration of the course.

6. When do I have to appear for an exam, at which centre or where and how often do I send my assignments?

Ans. You do not have to visit the centre nor attend classes as this is a self study course. As regards the examinations, we clarify as follows:
This is a correspondence course whose course material is in the form of a book of international quality, containing 7 chapters. The course concept revolves around the fact that you are interested in studying about art. Therefore we feel such studies should be done at your leisure without the fear of examinations in the archaic sense, where you are made to sit in a hall for several hours and those hours decide your fate. Our intent is to confirm that you have understood all the chapters, and to that objective we request you to submit answer sheets for the questions at the back of the books, for all the chapters. The answers are written at your convenience and are meant to convey that you have grasped the contents of the chapters.  This is the way we gauge that you have understood what we are trying to teach. Evaluation scores are ‘Excellent, Good, Fair or repeat’. The request for repeat is for the benefit of the student. Our grades reflect the effort you have put in. The answers are to be sent as you do the course, not necessarily at the end. (Answers for one chapter at a time are preferred ) We also give you the flexibility of submitting the answer sheets in whatever sequence convenient to you, though the sequence given in the books is preferred.  The answer sheets should  be sent to ‘SANSKRUTI’ for evaluation, preferably by post or through e mail. These will be corrected by a tutor and returned to the student. At the end of 6 months you should have obtained a grade of FAIR and above to qualify for the Certificate.

7. Will I receive a Certificate on completion?

Ans. You will receive your SANSKRUTI Certificate, which will reflect the efforts you have put in to complete this course of study on completion of all the answer sheets of the Manuals and obtaining a grade of FAIR or above in all the answer sheets. Your answer sheets should be without any ‘redos’ remaining.

8. Is the course recognized by the Government or affiliated to any  University?

Ans. No. You may not be aware that  ART as a career, is not a licensed profession in our country. That is, you do not need to be registered in any way to pursue art in the country. There are only four regulated professions in the country....doctors, lawyers, chartered accountants and architects. If we align with any government university, we will be tied down to various norms which will be stifling and will erode the flexibility we have in built for the students. Given this scenario it is therefore more important that the education you get in this field, is exemplary and adequate to impart in you a sense of confidence, sufficient to allow you to practice your professional know how as one knowledgeable about art.

9. Once the course is over, will it help me acquire a job in any company that deals with art, such as Museums, Art galleries and Art dealers?

Ans. Yes, you should be able to get employed, though a lot depends on individual dedication and talent. You can definitely apply and obtain employment with your newly gained skills and knowledge. Practical knowledge will complement your theoretical skills.

10. a) What is the credibility of the SANSKRUTI Certificate?  b) How will knowledge from SANSKRUTI benefit aspiring students?

Ans. a) There is a great amount of credibility attached to the SANSKRUTI Certificate. A SANSKRUTI Certificate conveys that a student has studied various aspects about ART. There are varying perceptions in the lay person's mind, regarding the field of Art. In the art field, potential employers and clients do not necessarily go by certificates, diplomas or degrees. They value a person's knowledge and confidence more. Any person wanting to spend a lot of money, will gauge a persons level of confidence and knowledge of the subject, he or she displays.
b) THIS COURSE IN UNDERSTANDING ART, WILL TEACH YOU ABOUT VARIOUS FACETS OF ART, IT’S HISTORY, THE LANGUAGE OF ART, THE MANY STYLES IN ART, ART MEDIUMS AND DETAILS ABOUT MANY FAMOUS ARTISTS WORK. There are many people in the country who work in the field of art, without any basic qualifications. Although they may be able to deliver the goods, what they would be lacking is the fundamental knowledge of the various subjects that prepare them to be more innovative and put them on a firm pedestal, from where they can launch themselves into the practical field. The SANSKRUTI course helps people with in depth knowledge, essential to practice the art profession effectively and profitably.